Monday, February 04, 2008


So it is possible that I might die of boredom. I literally sat around today and did nothing except watch the History Channel and Grey's Anatomy (season 2). And then I saw Juno for the fifth time. Which made my day slightly more interesting. At least tomorrow I'm going to the city with my dad to start getting my visa, FINALLY. It took me damn long enough. I think we're going to my favorite Cuban place for lunch, although my dad did say he found a Uruguayan place...

I need better ways to spend my last 9 days at home.

Except there's the packing, and the finding a gift for the family, and the getting a visa, and the figuring out how to get a Uruguayan visa, to be done. That's gonna fill some time, I think.

Shit. I have to get gifts for my families. Plural. Should I get each person an individual gift? Or get both families two big gifts...

And I'm broke.

Frikkin' sweet, man.

I'm gonna go not sleep. Which seems to be something I'm very good at these days.

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