Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ahh craziness

So this past week and a half or so has been completely crazy. It's been really really good most of the time, but there have definitely been some rough spots. I've mostly been going to the beach like everyday because the weather has been absolutely AMAZING (with the exception of the past couple days). Last weekend was Carnaval here, which is basically huge parade. I went with my mom and sister and it was so much fun! There were all these drummers and dancers and stuff...it was great haha. Then after we had dinner at like 1:00 at McDonalds, which was ehh not so great haha.
But everything has been going pretty well, I'm really starting to feel like a part of my family and I'm getting more and more comfortable with everything everyday. Although I'm still having trouble speaking Spanish, it's getting easier for me to understand.
I just talked to my mom about school, and it looks like I'm going to be in cuarto (which is basically the equivalent of Sophomore year here) only because I think quinto would be too hard (a lot of reading and writing and such). It also looks like I'm going to have to take English classes...?? though I'm not sure why....it's weird.
I've been talking with my mom about her visit (she's coming to visit March 7th I think), and I'm really excited to see her, except I think it could be a little difficult. It's also the weekend before I start school sooo we'll see how it goes.
I'm really loving Punta del Este though, it's so beautiful here. I've taken so many pictures, it's almost ridiculous.
Anyways, I should go...more soon, hopefully!

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